Book Publishers, the next Sam Goody?

I love my Kindle.  Bryan bought it for me for my birthday in 2008, and I won’t buy books now unless they are available on my beloved E-Reader.        
Why on earth do Bryan and I have 3 Kindles (Gen 1, Gen 1, and DX)  between us?  Quite simply, we are insatiable readers that ran out of physical space in our home.
Note to publishers – KINDLE OWNERS LOVE TO READ – we can’t get enough of books – and electronic format is the best for us.  We are the power consumers of your product.
So, when you hold out on publishing on Kindle, perhaps due to fear that your business model is at risk of becoming extinct if competing publishing models (aka Amazon, and now Apple) have too much power, guess who loses?  Your two customers – the authors, and the power consumers of content.  And examples like this are the only way of speaking out us power users have.
So my note to you, publishers, is if you don’t find a way to keep your business model relevant, and make money in a digital economy, you too will be closing your doors, as the likes of and Apple sweep in to replace you.
Really, it’s only a matter of time…